RIDDICK 7 Опубликовано: 24 мая 2009 Artist's Comments Easy rendering of commonly used render passes for compositing. Quick Passes support Default Scanline, Mental Ray and Vray renderers and Materials. Quick Passes can render: - Black-White mattes for selected objects with any supported renderer, with the options of considering current Displacement Maps, Material Opacities, and Object Opacities. -Ambient Occlusion of the scene with any supported Renderer, with the options of wireframed AO for selected Objects (For Mr only) and considering current Displacement and Bump maps. -Reflections on selected objects with any of supported Renderer with the options of considering current Displacement and Bump maps. If there is no light in the scene (default lights) selecting only one geometry object is enough. If there are lights in the scene you have to add them also to the selection. Selected lights not necessarily have to be turned on. You can also blur the reflections with the given spread and sampling values. And turn on or off current Environment Map. -Shadows on selected objects with any of supported Renderer. At least one light and one geometry object must selected.Selected lights not necessarily have to be turned on or their cast shadow options checked. Quick Passes dont change your scene settings or materials. Ok, it actually changes them but, puts everything back afterwards. Special Thanks to Ivan Tepavicharov for letting me use his Idea of getting and recalling materials. All Get and Recall functions of Quick Passes based on Ivan's idea. Just run the script, select the pass you want to render, override the renderer if you want, select the necessary objects and/or lights, hit render. For matte render you must select at least one geometry object For AO render you dont have to select anything (if you check Wireframed AO, and usin MR renderer, selected objects will be wireframed. For Reflection rendering you must select at least one geometry object and one light. If there isnt any light in the scene, only selecting one object is enough For Shadow rendering you must select at least one geometry object and one light. Selected light dont have to be casting shadows or turned on. In any case light will be turned on and its current shadow type will be used. It will render the scene using current common properties of the scene. Feel free use, distribute, alter and impove it. I appreciate if you let me know about your opinions, bug reports, requests or improvements. (прошу прощения, переведу попозже) 3dsmax-rendering-4-quick-passes.rar Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах