Flora: Jewel Quest
Автор: Sergey Lesiuk
- 1 316 просмотров
- Другие изображения Sergey Lesiuk
Появился первый скриншот нашей игры!) http://sergey-lesiuk.deviantart.com/art/Flora-Jewel-Quest-396550107?ga_submit_new=10%253A1377724491&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1&ga_recent=1 Flora: Jewel Quest That''s the name of our brand new game project. Now polishing up the final stage we are happy to share some of our feature art with you. Take your sits and prepare for an unbelievable journey to the secret world. More details are coming soon! Sami Group Studio: www.samigraphics.com/games.htm Facebook: www.facebook.com/SamiGroupStud… Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/SamiGroupStudio
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