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3.5.04 [beta]: http://bit.ly/abQCiw


- New brush engine in paint and voxel surface modes. Native voxels are still untouched. The main purpose was to make strokes cleaner and smoother.

- New brushes: Scratches, Mud, Inflate

- Every tool stores own brush/alpha. It can be turned off in preferences.

- Fixed OSX clipboard memory leak problem.

- Fixed bug - incorrect export of world space normalmap when normalmap layer is present.

- SL-related prolem solved - http://bit.ly/bZYJHL

- Depth based shaders will work in ortho mode too.

- Fixed bleeding problem while exporting PSD with just current layer.



новый движок кистей. более аккуратный и чистый штрих.



пока кроме вокселей, т.е. в сурфес моде тоже сейчас можно пробовать лепить.


новые кисти - Scratches, Mud, Inflate



каждый тул сохраняет свою альфу. в префах можно отключить/включить если надо.

Depth based shaders работают нормально теперь и в орто режиме.


под воксели будет прикручиваться в следующем билде.

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Что то непонятное сделали с кистями.


В режиме voxel surface появляются какие-то прозрачные точки, которые при смусе превращаются в дыры. Их видно на носу.


Inflate работает вообще странно - просто разрывает область. Видно на щеке. Рабочий деапазон depth - 1%. Ставишь больше 1 % - все разрывает.


Еще заметил, что некоторые кисти в режиме voxel surface как то перестраивают геометрию в области ее применения. Не знаю как объяснить :) Например smooth бажит, а flatten нет.

каждый тул сохраняет свою альфу
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это конечно здорово, а способ нанесения? Он опять общий для всех кистей. Очень неудобно, особенно при работе со smooth.


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сэйв и лоад в панеле пен опшинс прокачивается. а также сохранение настроек конкретного тула (фаллоф и прочее)

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I re-uploaded 3.5.04B [win]. Changes:


- "Sharp shape" checkbox in extrude-based tools

- fixed known bugs of 3.5.04

- falloff stored per tool

- probably fixed retopo lag, but I am not sure, it was hard to reproduce



сохраняется фаллоф теперь ,а также настройки пен опшинс по каждой кисти.

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3.5.05 [beta] uploaded (Win+Mac, Linux - very soon):

- new brush engine in native voxels (but CUDA mode is not 100% optimized). Strips supported in voxels.

- I made much better projection connector with external image editor. It will fade edges accurately, imported image will be more accurate. It will be possible to apply projection through object if need.

- Ptex related bug fixed - http://bit.ly/anEWvf

- Undo bug fixed - http://bit.ly/bBUsfs

- I have fixed important problem of holes while sculpting - http://bit.ly/ddCGkz

It will be possible to import just new positions of mesh without destroying texture and UV set.


новый движок кистей прикручен к вокселям, пока без куда оптимайза. штрих более качественный и контролируемый.

улучшена работа с сторонним 2д редактором. проекция теперь делается более аккуратно.


также добавлена интересная штука. можно будет подменять меш без переделки юви и текстур.

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3.5.06 [beta]


- In paint mode and voxel surafce mode you will be able to choose style of brushing-new one with smooth stroke shape and self intersection like in PS or rather old-style (but improved) with strict following alpha shape (but with strict self intersection).

- (0)I improved a lot Model/Splines tabs in Voxel room. You will be able to add new profiles, drag volumes/external objects to that windows, Add/delete/rename items/folders. Importing spline profile is now very user-friendly. It is possible using Drag&drop or VoxTree RMB menu.

- (1)Hue, Saturation, Lightness jitters are implemented in Brush options panel

- (4)Extrude - like tools in voxel improved - they work will in lines mode (snap to surface) + more uniform stroke.

- (2)Depth painting quality in ppp improved a LOT, now it is very smooth and accurate.

- (3)Rapid/scratches/mud brushes tuned to be more "clay-like"\

- fixed incorrect painting in single polygon painting mode.

- resolved issue - http://bit.ly/gQSfqR

- Fill tool, fill with smooth will work correctly with smoothing opacity.

- Eraser corrected to work closer to PS-style

- fixed big slowdown in "Change mesh and texture resolution"

- (5)updated specifications of AppLinks, now it is possible to skip export dialog and drop spline profile to 3D-Coat.


много усовершенствований. добавлены рульки (1) в пен опшинс, значительно улучшено качество рисование глубины(2), эт реально так, сегодня тестил. более гладко получается .

(0)улучшена панелька модел/сплайнс. можно добавлять профили простыим драг энд дропом. кисти сделали более "глиноподобными"(3) . (4)более равномерный штрих экструдоподобных тулов в вокселях.


обновлена спецификация для апплинков.(5)

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3.5.08 [beta]


- Support of instancing (Look Instancer toll + new check box in Merge tool). It opens possibility to use one volume multiple times in scene without additional memory consumption. For example you may do several bricks and made building of them and scene will be still very light and only initial bricks will take memory. In so way you may manage really huge scenes if they can be decomposed into less count of basic elements. Scene in viewport will also be rendered faster because of much less video memory consumption. It is extremely helpful for architecture, hardsurface modeling, sometimes - for organic (scales, teeth).

- Arbitrary change resolution of voxel volume done. You may chnahge mesh resolution to any given number of polygons.

- All big numbers in all tools will be written in readable form - like 31 765 321 (compare with 31765321)

- Fixed bug - http://bit.ly/gdMy7t

- Smudge artifacts problem solved - http://bit.ly/hYAmn6

- fixed issue http://bit.ly/el7NLV

- fixed 3B-file merge related issue - http://bit.ly/eVUT57

- possibility to upload turnables to YouTube

- respecting negative volumes in Merge tool, instancing mode.


главная особенность этой беты -появилась поддержка инстансов в воксель рум. отличная штука для хардсурфейс моделинг.


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pdated to 3.5.11[beta] - Win+Mac, Linux - very soon


- I made possibility [optional] to merge mesh into voxel scene without actual voxelization. It will appear in voxel surface mode and will be voxelized when you will turn it to voxel mode. It is important milestone for future implementation of dynamic tesselation and highpoly booleans that may change the face of digital sculpting. In it's current state it is convenient for instancing, but it's actual power is in possibilities that this new approach opens.

- I made much better algorithm for adding external normalmap + painted depth in ppp. No artifacts appear there - http://bit.ly/fCaC8m

- Leaks problem discovered and improved - http://bit.ly/i8hzgC

- I made primitives controls a bit more convenient - it will always be possible to rotate camera + arrows will never become too small.

- UV packing problem with overlapped UV islands resolved - http://bit.ly/dKI4zz

- The longstanding problem of rough normals [http://bit.ly/eJZCA2] in surafece mode finally solved.

- The smoothing issue fixed - http://bit.ly/fC9MvJ

- Export dense quads prblem fixed - http://bit.ly/icpG9K

- The spacing issue fixed - http://bit.ly/flnejA

- Fixed smoothing problem in voxel surface mode - http://bit.ly/euHNlU

- The problem related to ZB brushes importing from folder resolved - http://bit.ly/gIDUQT


самое важное нововведение - возможность мержить к объект без его вокселезации. подготовка для внедрения динамической тесселяция.

очень здорово улучшен алгоритм работы со сторонними нормалмэпами + рисование нормалмэпы в попиксельном режиме. теперь без артефактов.

и много фиксов.

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Updated to 3.5.12 [beta] Win+Mac, Linux - very soon


Changes (mostly cleaning and bugfixing):


- I improved image picker a lot. This is how it looks/works now - http://bit.ly/hKF7Vz

- Voxel surface layers will be correctly baked with occlusion (including not voxelized layers).

- I made that merging without voxelizing will create 1 volume per object for convenience. OBJ files from Wings3D with instancing supported.

- I made much more accurate fading on edges while getting back projection from Photoshop (or other) - http://bit.ly/fqs2I6

- Options.xml split ot several logical parts to avoid loosing important data if you deleted it.

- Support of FBX export/import done.

- Bugreporting system after crashes restored.

- I made painting over edge to be anti-aliased even in not "Fade on edge" mode - http://bit.ly/fP4rAs

- Topological symmetry problem in microvertex mode fixed - http://bit.ly/gUautz

- Fixed problem of incorrect behaviour of objects/materials palette - http://bit.ly/hMz0XF

- Slider ploblem resolved - http://bit.ly/fUFmMN

- "Apply blending" problem solved - http://bit.ly/f0Q5ak

- Fixed problem of adding Masks folder - http://bit.ly/gnxTBs

- The intrface problem related to floating windows fixed - http://bit.ly/dKDaIx

- Fixed "Auto-scale" in UV room problem - http://bit.ly/gsMzSj

- "New" will reset primitives and merge tool - http://bit.ly/eI76YO

- Fixed automapping bug - http://bit.ly/g4hRTn


image picker теперь радует превьюшками.

стал намного более аккуратным fading (размытие,затухание) при возврате из фотошопа( т.е. когда происходит проецирование на поверхность) см.пикчу.

внедрена поддержка экспорта в FBX ,написаного совсем недавно.поддерживает геометрию,ювишки,карты. это кулл. думаю и дальше будет развиваться более объемная поддержка этого формата.

рисование по еджам теперь с анти-альясингом. это значит , что не будет больше ступенчатости.

ну и много багов поправлено.

напомню, что близится релиз 3.6 версии.

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3.5.15 [beta, not verified]


- I made clone function in Retopo->Select [faces] to clone parts of mesh.

- You will be able to transform whole retopo mesh or it's selected part with new transform tool in retopo room.

- EPS file format supported for importing shapes for E panel.

- Symmetry panel got "Lock symmetry plane" checkbox to lock symmetry plane and avoid unnecessary movement by TAB key. Also ALT-TAB will not conflict with TAB pressing to mave symmetry plane.

- I improved surace smooth tool a bit to avoid producing visible seams. Also I removed spikes appearing on noizy surface due to backfacing.

- I improbed a bit shape and cleanness of voxels strokes in CUDA mode, I found why BUILD tool was producing dirty results sometimes.

- I performed really big work over memory management. Found many leaks. It will improve stability and speed after hours of work in 3D-Coat.

- FBX export crash fixed in 3.5.14B but FBX export of big meshes is still too slow, we wil optimize it.

- Export big meshes/close holes got better stability on big meshes.

- Fixed possible instability in texture baking tool.

- Draw by lines issue fixed - http://bit.ly/fOkslE

- Freezing issue resilved - http://bit.ly/dFXFV5

- I made that 64 bit build will produce very useful bugreports [for me to discover crash reason] if crash will occur. 64-bit bugreport was almost useless before this change because of missing callstack. 90% of peoples are using 64 bit version, it was so pity that I was not able to analyse bugreprts deeply. Now it is solved. It is important step to make 3DC more stable. 3.5.15 contains multiple stability improvements based on bugreports that was sent me with this system.


новый тул в ретопо комнате - клон. клонирование части меша (насмешливый щелчок по носу Topogun-у). также можно трансформировать эти части (мув,ротейт ,скейл и т.п.) (это "саечка" за испуг Topogun-у sarcastj.gif )

появилась также поддержка EPS файлов. загрузить можно через панельку, где выбирается тип штриха.(E хоткей если надо быстрее сообразить где это) и еще также там появилась загрузки грэйскел пикчи как выделения. т.е. SVG,EPS,pic

лок для симметрии появился, немного улучшений в сурфэйс моде у smoth tool-а.

очень важно ,что исправлено некоторое кол-во утечек, из-за которых после продолжительного времени начинала тупить программа,потребляя дикое кол-во ресурсов. ну и поправлен экспорт в фбх.

кстати сейчас импорт фбх тоже пилится,мэйби скоро созреет.


п.с. тем, кто в доминанс варе участвует будет хорошим подспорьем ретопо тулы, мэппинг и текстурирования в коате.

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3.5.16 [beta, not verified]


- Fixed a bunch of instability problems + retopo transform problems

- FBX import will catch color, normal and specular textures if attached

- New floating server released, it is is compatibel with previous 3D-Coat version, but it is better to use 3.5.15/16 - читать тут: http://bit.ly/f7gZpk

- Adding faces/bevel and other retopo tools will not discard current UV set, changed islands will be autobatically updated

- dropped image may be assigned to be background


сделан импорт в фбх. при создании фаски/бевела юви не будут разрушаться,а будут обновляться. сделан новый плавающий сервер лицензий

остальное менее значимо)


вопрос. сейчас продвигаю тему дальнейшего развития и всесторонней поддержки фбх. ис, камеры, скелет, анимация, базовый шейдинг (Фонг,Блин,Ламберт). какие возможности имеют для вас больший приоритет?

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из перечисленного шейдинг! особенно нормальный спекуляр и рефлект хотелось бы.


на втором месте, пожалуй, скелет. (а то pose неюзабелен из-за глюков с hide. Например: если мне надо позить руки, я прячу все, кроме плечей и рук (иначе выделение залазит на остальное), ставлю всё как надо, анхайд олл и.. о, ужас. Модели капец, ее порвало в клочья. приходится возвращаться к последним сейвам брать оттуда всё что порвало и вставлять к тому что есть.)

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3.5.17 [beta, not verified]


- I restored older version of surface clay and combined it with new brushing engine, it produced really nice brush!

- Rapid2/Mud2 brushes as smoother and nicer versions of Rapid/Mud brushes. That new brushes are based on the same principle as new Clay brush.

- I made checkbox "Smooth back faces" in "E" panel in Voxel room

- Smooth in voxel surface mode is now CUDA accelerated. It is especially obvious under big smoothing degree (500% for example). Non cuda smooth improved a lot too.

- I made additional checkbox "CUDA smooth boost" that will enable 3X strength of smoothing if CUDA enabled.

- You will be able to assign hotkey to any button in 'E' panel.

- I tuned Surface Fill tool to work nicely.

- I made new brush based on surface clay that acts close to Build in voxel room and Wax in MB. It is little modification of clay, but looks like it is super cool to buildup shape. Plobably I will call it Buildup.

- I improved merge surface->voxels algorithm to produce much less artifacts like that - http://bit.ly/i4rmT6 . They was usually appearing after surface was smoothed in voxels a lot and then move applied (as well as any surface change). It is hard to avoid them at all, but they will appear muchh less now. To remove them at all use depth shader or "To global space". It are not actually surface distortions but rather normals calculation problems. It happens due to voxel surface thickness variation. Smooth makes surface thicker, so this problem appears.

- Snapping to voxel surface become faster, fixed possible lags and hangups.

- Slice tool in retopo room will work correctly with non-voxelized meshes too.

- I updated AppLinks specifications a bit - http://bit.ly/gadLuD

- Fixed several bugs in retopo transform tool.

- The issue about retopo transform solved - http://bit.ly/gxsJ5W

- Fixed problem of holes over big faces in ppp mode when 8k textures are used.

- Fixed problem in retopo symmetrical copy whan multiple UV sets are present

- Problem with "Edit points table" in "E" spines metu solved.

- Problem with "To global space" and instances solved.

- The problem with move tool tearing and symmetry resolved.

- Fixed bug in Apply UV that was producing holes in mesh in some cases.

- I found why using huge brush radius leads to massive slowdown (almost hang). It is fixed and resulted with sculpting speed increase.

- If SHIFT and LMB was pressed simultaneously then even if SHIFT will be released but LMB pressed 3DC will act as if SHIFT is still pressed.

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3.5.18 [beta]


- I made support of alpha images mip-mapping. It leads to really good stroke quality. Compare: http://bit.ly/ea0WCL and http://bit.ly/eS5cqK . It is especially important if contrast high resolution alpha is used. Old style stroke was too noisy, new style - smooth like in PS. More images to compare - http://bit.ly/guuQjL and http://bit.ly/eWxOZz .

- You will be able to see amount of UV vertices in retopo room. It is important if you have budget of polygons for game model.

- Inverted chiesel brush issue fixed - http://bit.ly/guiy7k

- Freeze and Rapid2 issue fixed - http://bit.ly/hSQxMP

- Brushes preview problem solved - http://bit.ly/ev515y

- Importing of subdivided T-shapes fixed - http://bit.ly/gslNP2

- Curve tool issue fixed - http://bit.ly/euee4N

- In latest couple of builds there was error on non-english Win that caused screwing some brushes settings (like depth modulator). Now fixed.

- Specular brightness issues fixed - http://bit.ly/fuWr6e and http://bit.ly/e6m62d

- The issue with mesh bereaking fixed - http://bit.ly/ii3H6h

- I found one potential rare source of small dots artifacts while transforming from surface to voxel mode and written code to prevent it.

- Wireframe in paint mode will be shown without missing chunks.

- Absolute brush issue fixed - http://bit.ly/dJnURk

- Fixed important bug - possible crash after using hotkey to make something massive - like import mesh for PPP.

- Crash fixed - http://bit.ly/fYf7Cr

- For ease of acccess to all import possibility you will be able to import retopo mesh/mesh for voxelizing from file menu.

- The problem with incorrect UV-sets resolved - http://bit.ly/dIkgrb

- tif/exr included in regular texture export format. You will be able to choose if you need to use it with or without alpha in Textures menu.

- Adding materials folder improved a bit - http://bit.ly/e2uKSB

- I made "Apply to visible" and "Apply to subtree" in shaders RMB menu.

- Image picker navigation will work correctly even if picker is docked.


очень много фиксов.все ближе и ближе релиз 3.6 поэтому куча фиксов.

появилась поддержка мип-мэппинг фильтрации для альф.появилась возможность видеть кол-во вершин и поликов отретопленой модели,для контроля поликаунта(внизу экрана строка статистики).

меш для вокселизации теперь можно добавлять из меню файл-импорт. tif/exr добавлены в список файлов которые вы можете экспортировать.(через Textures меню можно указывать что сохранять в альфу или не сохранять)

возможность назначать один шейдер группе объектов ( видимым или ветке)

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Updated to 3.5.19 [beta], Win




- important performance problem in couple of last builds solved!

- New (or old for V2 users) stamp mode modification introduced - http://bit.ly/dSkIm8

- Set of problems in stamp mode fixed - http://bit.ly/i2CvrJ

- Very important addition! Move & Pose tool may be optionally applied through all visible volumes (see checkbox "Through all volumes"). See examples - http://bit.ly/gZAIlS , http://bit.ly/erzctN

- Free form transformations in Pose tool are finished up to level acceptable to be publicly released. Example - http://bit.ly/itnFBA , http://bit.ly/jed7ym

- Invert selection will work correctly in Pose tool.

- Next tweak to pose tool - it will be possible to save/load pose

- Longstanding pose tool problem fixed - http://bit.ly/fBnPC3

- Longstanding linux bug fixed - http://bit.ly/iI4TiM

- Edit in ext editor will respect freeze - http://bit.ly/gROHlA

- Smooth dark edge related bug fixed - http://bit.ly/ftx0j6

- I improved blending between transparent layers to be closer to PS especially if ground layer is semi-transparent.

- Copy/Paste related bug fixed - http://bit.ly/gD6wL2

- Ihe problem of Copy tool with CTRL resolved - http://bit.ly/emVe6C

- FBX library used in 3DC upated to Fbx2012, it solved previous issues with incmpatibility - http://bit.ly/jOduVp

- Fixed problem of slowdown while using big alphas. It appeared after introducing mipmaps for brushes. Now works really fast.


новый stamp mode. Move & Pose tool могут быть применены к нескольким объектам. В Pose tool появилась возможность Free form трансформаций объектов. также можно сэйвить и загружать позы.

редактирование с стороннем редакторе теперь с учетом зафризеных областей. улучшено смешивание слоев, как в фотошопе сейчас. FBX библиотека используемая в коате обнвлена до последней версии.

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3.5.20 [win, beta] uploaded!


- LiveClay - very first beta, so don't expect too much. Go to Edit->Preferences->Show beta tools to enable it.

- New important command in Ptex mode introdiced - http://bit.ly/mt1MBw

- I made user-friendly way to share 3D-Coat's resoureces - http://bit.ly/iEndgn . You may easily create extension packs (3dcpack) with your own Brushes / Strips / Materials / Masks / Shaders / Navigation etc.

- Upload screenshot with hotkey will work correctly even with modal (topmost) dialogs.

- Sculpt room Move tool bug fixed - http://bit.ly/luokql

- Bug fixed related to transforming from Ptex to Miccroverts using UV room and applyUV set. Now pipeline Ptex->UV->Appy->MV works correctly.

- The mv depth painting issue fixed - http://bit.ly/inJ9IE


Some instructions regarding LiveClay -


Use Details slider to vary details, decreasing pen size will increase details level too. Moving pen too fast still produces undesirable details variation. LC supports masks and materials. LC may be baked to texture, but transforming to voxels will degrade details for obvious reason. Usual 3B files will be opened with previoius versions, but if LC was used 3B files will not be opened with previous versions of 3DC. There are still much thinngs to do, it is just our short report for you


вкрадце. первая бета версия LiveClay. скульпт с дайнамик тесселейшен. рульку двигать для изменения уровня деталей.

новая команда в PTEX режиме. толковая команда. подгоняет все в одну текстуру.

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Updated to 3.5.23 [beta, not verified] Win.


- All blending modes in paint room ae synchronized precisely with Photoshop.

- I was working over baking improvements. I made following changes:


Baking method is consistent - depends on what you chosen in Retopo->Snap to... I recommend using "Snap to closest along normal". But in some cases (many overlapped reference poly surfaces) - use "Snap to outer surface". Use "Snap to closest along normal" in voxels.

Baking scan direction will be chosen in smarter way - there was problem when small and bug polygons was neighbours.

Snapping will be performed better, especially if you have thin surfaces, points will not be snapped to other side.



-updated Live Clay + Reduce

- Fixed UV room & materials palette issue - http://bit.ly/jvCdMF

- Fixed color picker issue - http://bit.ly/ozMSqR

- Fixed problem of freeze tool in paint room - http://bit.ly/p0ryeN

- I improved quality of export voxel mesh with simplification, triangles quality improved - http://bit.ly/oOow8Z . Triangles on almost planar surfaces will satisfy Delone condition, it leads to better triangulation.

- Fixed problem of merging additional oblect into microvertex scene.

- Tool options bug fixed - http://bit.ly/nejhHY

- Shader baking bug fixed - http://bit.ly/n1oCBU

- Even if there are so many descriptions of PS blending modes no one of them was full and precise, so this sync took a lot of time.

- Merging new 3B file to the non-empty scene will merge retopo mesh/strokes into correctly.

- Resolved symmetry issue - http://bit.ly/nboAvQ


жирным выделены нововведения). бэйк текстур улучшен, по тестам юзеров стал еще более качественным. алгоритм тесселяции в LiveClay улучшен+ Reduction кисть для изменения топологии меша. все режимы блендинга слоев в коате работают абсолютно идентично фотошопу.


юзать на проекте с осторожностью, потому как пара предыдущих беток порадовали в плане стабильности мало.


п.с. напомню, что модуль LiveClay включается тут: Edit->Preferences->Use beta tools

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3.5.25 [beta]


- LC updated. All tools are still in very beta stage. Some of them may be removed or essentially changed later.

- I made possibility to paint over materials and masks directly in 3D-Coat -http://bit.ly/oY8ojw

- I made realtime preview for Sketch tool. You will see summary volume immediately while painting. It works without any lag or slowdown. It is still not fully optimized, so painting over the really big images may be slow. It will be resolved very soon.

- I made smarter edge picking algorithm for retopo room. If edge is under surface it will be picked. But bacface edges will not be picked. Simple illustration of change - http://bit.ly/o9U17Q

- Autopo improved - manual strokes will only partially influence edgeflow - only areas close to stroke bound sphere will be affected. It is important because previously adding even one stroke was discarding all original curvature surface info. So correcting autopo results was really annoying in some cases. Now strokes will have local influence.

- Transform gizmo issue fixed - http://bit.ly/n1ru6U

- FBX export issue solved - http://bit.ly/qTkrlB

- Important change: perspective center will be on the center of viewport, not on whole window center as it was before.http://bit.ly/owqPie

- Smooth & freeze issue fixed - http://bit.ly/oXc5cQ

- The problem of pose tool over non voxelized object resolved -http://bit.ly/pwIkv9

- Solved problem of incorrect showing of the symmetry plane in Voxel room.

- Rendering issue solved - http://bit.ly/mZBzog

- Pose tool with "Through all volumes" issue solved - http://bit.ly/qYZI1I

- fixed: drawing with E panel modes was hanging sometimes on very close look to model.

- fixed: grow & smudge brushes was incorectly working with masks and symmetry.


Этот билд включает все новые кисти. появилась интересная и полезная возможность рисовать поверх материала или маски прямо во вьюпорте.

в ретопо улучшили одну штуку. если раньше ребро проваливалось в поверхность его нельзя было выделить или применить к нему операцию ring slice, например. теперь можно работать с такими ребрами.

улучшено авторетопо. по отзывам значительно улучшилось качество авторетопологии.

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Updated to 3.7.03 (Win)




- painting over voxel models. Just switch to paint room. If you need to turn it off - use View->Show voxels in paint room

- better symmetry support in Paint room (there was problems with Points & faces)

- better colors correspondence when baking voxels->paint room

- new brushes in LC tools - build, extrude, updated general brush, flattern.


в новой бете появилась довольно примечательная возможность - рисование поверх вокселей (а-ля поли-пэйнт в браше). но с одним очень важным отличием. в браше минимум тулов для рисования, тогда как в коате при рисовании по вокселям можно использовать все стандартные тулы для рисования.материалы,маски,сплайны... это круто. немного потестил, затягивал модели до 6 лямов.

это важная особенность для тех, кто использует связку браш+коат. становится возможным закидывать хай-польные модельки из браша и рисовать в коате, там же ретопить, бэйкать карты и т.п.


п.с. важно, что даже сейчас, в не оптимизированном виде, на 1 ядре работает довольно шустро.


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[16.02.2012] 3.7.05


- You will be able to import image(s) as mesh - look examples - http://www.3d-coat.c...ImageAsMesh.png

I replaced older logo tool with this new one, it is much more powerful. You may also access this function from File->Import->Import image as mesh

- If you will import model with texture for vertex painting color from texture will be projected on vertices.

- I made several improvements and bugfixes in pose tool.

1) Correct work of pose through all volumes with rooted child volumes. Previously only one root was selectable.

2) Possibilitty to select several control points in FreeForm mode.

3) Possibility to move only gizmo in free form multiple selection mode

- Retopo room speed optimized to work much faster in all modes up to 2x - 5x

- Cavity painting quality and speed improved a LOT in all paint modes. Much much better than it was. It is based on the same pronciple as cavity painting in voxels. It is based on normals divirgence instead of geometry curvature measurement.

- Baking speed and quality essentially improved especially if you want to bake displacement. If baking ray not touching surface nearby and spike appears in so way special filter will cut it out. Also you amy apply this filter manually if need. You may also enter scan depth values manually to control baking better.

- Voxel measure tool updated - now it may measure length of curves, lasso, perimeter of the section - http://bit.ly/y46LmR

- Rotation gizmo in pose tool modified a bit for ease of rotation in screen space. Rotation handlers direction will be adjusted automatically.


ряд улучшений.

особо отмечу возможность указывать дистанцию для бэйкинга в удобной,визуальной форме, ориентируясь на превью. значительно возросла скорость бйкинга,примерно в 7-10 раз,печет теперь реально быстро.

значительно улучшено качество рисования кавити. скорость работы в ретопо ускорена до 2-5 раз.

можно создавать меш по опорным картинкам.


и изменения из 3х более ранних бет.


- fixed major vertex paint crash for all OS

- Fill Layer/Fill object work correctly in Fill tool

- I made good pipeline to maintain color while surface<->voxels transitions. See description -


- Cavity painting in voxels done - http://bit.ly/zQL6mJ

- All boolean operations [even between volumes] will preserve vertex color.

- Resample will keep color too. Color will be re-projected. New routine opens possibility to preserve color in almost all cases.

- FBX import export supported with vertex color

- Any layer may be marked as "Use as vertex weight" and used as vertex weight map if you will export scene as LWO. It works in all paint modes. Weight may be 0..1 or -1..1 on your choice

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Updated to 3.7.09 (win)


- Colored specular and emissive channels introduced in ppp/mv/ptex/voxels. Use new layer blending modes to assign colored specular/emissive to some layers. Pay attention that colored specular and emissive work only for Default shader, so assign it as default and use it to see effect. I will update all shaders after your review of how it works now.

- MV/PTEX got functionality that was previously missing - displacement/color of every volume will be baked into separate paint layer.

- Fixed problem of baking with option "Check groups and volumes correspondence"


Emissive channel is in this implementation monochromatic - it underlines that color on some places emits light. In so way any color may emit even if chanel itself is monochromatic. I think this sort of emissive is very enough, I don't think there should be non-monochromatic emissive.

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3.7.10 (Win)


- Per-face hide tool in voxel surface mode

- CutFace in PaintRoom will hide voxel pieces too. In so way freeze/hide tools in paint room act on voxels as well.

- Ghost mode introduced - http://www.3d-coat.com/files/ghost.png

- New blendmode - Highlight emissive. Read hint there.

- new item Texture->Import->Emissive intensity

- "To center mass" and "To bound centser" in Merge tool will move gizmo instead of object.

- Free-form pose deformation quality improved a lot. Matth of transforms rewritten.

- Fixed "more on bright" issue - http://3d-coat.com/m...view.php?id=491

- fixed "improper scale issue" - http://3d-coat.com/m...view.php?id=494

- fixed "Selecting Low-Poly View breaks shading views" - http://3d-coat.com/m...view.php?id=495

- mutiple uv-sets per object in FBX export/import supported.

- resolved scaling issue - http://3d-coat.com/m...view.php?id=502

- import tiles as UV sets implemented for MV painting too.

- I made better support of smoothing groups export via OBJ files. Now groups are marked explicitly http://3d-coat.com/m...view.php?id=493

- crash when saving subtree fixed - http://3d-coat.com/m...view.php?id=501

- small fixes: renaming models in "Models/Splines" tab fixed + dropped models from VoxTree -> Models getting more intuitive names.

- a lot of crashes fixed, so stability should be better.


Colored specular and emissive for voxels is supported only for Default shader. I want to ensure that shader works as you expect on this shader before I will do same for all shaders. So I need some feedback regarding how shader should work.

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началась новая стадия работы, работа непосредственно над 4 версией. это тред посвященный бетам.

насколько я понимаю последняя версия программы 3.7.18 является наиболее стабильным билдом в 3.7 линейке


напоминаю, что к релизу в 4 версии готовится новый блок инструментов для скульптинга использующий технологию дайнамик тесселэйшен, модуль получил название LiveClay.

До сего момента эти тулы были доступны в качестве бэты - тулов и непосредственно сейчас начинается их плотная подготовка к релизу.



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1.10.2012 BETA1


- At least it looks a bit like V4

- New start dialog, I hope this time it will be more useful. The main purpose was to expose different workflows there (they was usually hidden deeply in different submenus), it may be useful not only at start but in process too. You may customize it (but it is for experienced users, it is relatively not hard via xml files in StartMenu folder)

- New LC changes from Raul. But we contitue hammering there.

- New fit tool to combine separate pieces that look similar but has different topology. Important to handle scan data.

- Remove undercuts tool.

- E modes improvements: new modes for square and circle instead of SHIFT&drag because SHIFT conflicts with other modes - bit.ly/OrVYxS

- Recangle&circle modes will show dimensions, in ortho mode - with real world values, SPACE allows to enter numbers - bit.ly/UO5InH

- 3DC got 2 choices how to calculate normals - as before or as in Maya for better compatibility.

- 3D-Coat got most common TBN space used in most 3D-applications (Maya, Blender) - Morten Mikkelsen's TBN space

- N-gons with complex shape will be correctry supported in paint and retopo rooms. It was done by the way wnen solving normalmapping issues.

- a lot of refinements in Primitives tool, especially for surface mode

- Fixed a bib load of mantis repiorted problems + blob tool problems (was working randomly)

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