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Michael - Fundamentals of Drawing from Life - 2012

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Fundamentals of Drawing from Life


Автор: Michael

Год: 2012

Book Description

Everything you need to get started drawing from life. The book starts with philosophical ideas, progresses to the actual principles that work, and continues on with exercises to help you hone your skills. If you've never attempted a serious drawing, this book will guide you. If you're already an artist, this book will help you renew your focus. Visual art is a visual language. This book is designed to give you the tools to get you speaking the language with competence as efficiently as possible. It is a complete guide for the beginner as well as a way to shore up the fundamentals for the established artist.


More About the Author


I am a scholar in the tradition of Emerson. I hail from the deep reaches of government-occupied Cascadia; Seattle. I'm an artist, writer, husband, and fierce competitor of recreational sports and tactical board games.


When I was in the 5th grade, I really liked this girl, Darlene. Unfortunately, some other guy really liked this girl too. It was a contest for this chick's never-ending affections. Having failed to properly woo her with secret notes detailing the positioning of her heart ("yes or no"....."circle one"), Darlene decided the man for her would be the one who could draw the best shark. It was on. I drew the coolest shark ever!


“First, the artist draws what they think. Then, the artist draws what they know. Finally, the artist draws what they feel.”


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